How To Deal with Jealousy in Your Threesome Relationship?

Threesome intimacy is one of the popular bedroom fantasies that many people have. Whether you are officially married or just still courting, jealousy will definitely get over you. What causes it, and how can you deal with it?

Many people have succeeded in threesome relationships. It can be a one-time experience that you and your partner want to explore, or you are in a polygamous marriage. Whichever the case, you need to understand how to deal with jealousy. Proper handling of the situation can save your marriage, which is the focus of this post.

What Causes Jealousy in Threesome Relationships?

In general, jealousy sets in when someone has what we yearn for, but you can’t get it. That is a bit different in this context. Many times, even people in monogamous marriages feel jealous if something threatens their bond. But why exactly do we become jealous?

Jealousy can be both positive and negative in a relationship. Some people will celebrate when their partners become jealous because it is the only confirmation that they care for them. However, it can also potentially harm an otherwise good relationship. Jealousy triggered by self-depreciation, distrust, or competitiveness is poisonous. These can lead to physical abuse in marriages. 

How Do You Know If You Are Jealous?

Negative jealousy results from fear. If you find yourself worrying about abandonment, being not enough, or losing your partner, you are jealous. When that happens, your body reacts to it in different ways. You may start breathing heavily, feeling warm, and starting to panic.

If your jealousy gets the better of you, you will start exhibiting signs that may ruin your relationship. These unhealthy behaviors include becoming abusive, possessive, authoritative, or deploying sub-standards that escalate the situation. So, how do you deal with jealousy in your threesome relationship? 

Dealing With Jealousy in Threesome Relationship

Have you ever been in a threesome relationship? If not, have you ever fantasized about it? The truth is many couples fear fulfilling their desire because of jealousy. And those who are already in the relationship battle with jealousy every other time. How can you overcome this?

Be Prepared For It

Before getting into a threesome relationship, you have to drive fear out. That applies to couples or one-night-stands. Prepare yourself psychologically not to have negative thoughts or reactions when your partner is being kissed or romanced by someone else.

Fear of jealousy has been a barrier to many people who want to try out threesome intimacy. The mistake that many people make is ignoring that feeling and blindly walking into the relationship. If you plan ahead and believe you can be in such a situation, you will probably overcome it. That is the same thing cultural influence plays in our lives. Couples from polygamous families are likely to fight jealousy in threesome relationships and thrive in them. 

Evaluate What Caused Your Jealousy

If you are already in a threesome relationship and feeling jealous, interrogate yourself to know why you have that feeling. In many cases, you will panic and do regrettable things. You may become angry and act uncontrollably, but that should not be the case. The first action you should take is to calm yourself down.

Some people meditate or take a bath to help them drive away anger. If you can do neither, consider taking a deep breath in and then out. Once done, you may find out that your jealousy is caused by mere speculations. It might have been triggered by things that are not worth the energy you wanted to spend disturbing your partner in the relationship. In that case, you should feel much better and realize that there is no need for jealousy. 

Communicate With Your Partner

Communication is crucial to maintaining any relationship. It is, however, more essential in threesome ones. You should learn how to communicate your fears to your partner. Find the best time to voice out your concerns. This can work if your partner hears you out and is ready to change in your favor. But don’t be biased when doing this. Remember, your third partner can also be triggered.

Strengthen Your Commitment

In many threesome relationships or intimacies, people often feel jealous because they fear losing their partners to the other party. It is especially hard for couples who are fighting to keep their marriages. But if you play your part in making the bond between the two of you unbreakable, you can fight jealousy.

Hold a discussion with your partner before getting into the relationship if you have a chance. Talk about the boundaries or limits that your threesome intimacy should never cross. You don’t have to state many rules because you might fail to fulfill your fantasy. 

Ignore Jealousy

Fighting jealousy is easy if you also participate in the romance sessions. Instead of waiting to be treated the same, go for it. If you see them kiss or do anything you are interested in, you can ask to join or ask for more of that. It will help you ignore your jealousy and receive the same affection.

Seek Help from A Therapist

Some people cannot handle jealousy in threesome relationships by themselves. You don’t have to die inwardly and suffer low self-esteem if you can be helped. Sexual therapy can be done as couples or individuals, depending on your agreement. It is called cognitive-behavioral therapy, which has been used for decades to handle jealousy. It promotes mindfulness and acceptance, which remove that feeling.

Final Thoughts

You are more likely to get triggered by jealousy if you are in a threesome relationship than not. When that happens, compose yourself and take the best action. Consider taking a deep breath, drinking water, or anything that will help you relax. Also, turn your attention to positive things you get from your partner instead of concentrating on what makes you even more jealous. And if you feel ignored, speak out and join the party. Ask to get more of what you are missing.

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